Factors that influence career development
Factors that influence career development are that the success of the career development process is not only important for the organization as a whole. In this case, several things or factors that are often very influential on career management are:
a. Relationship of Employees and Organizations
In ideal situations, organizational employees are in a mutually beneficial relationship. In this ideal situation, both employees and organizations can achieve high work productivity.
However, sometimes this ideal state fails to achieve. Sometimes employees have worked well, but the organization does not match the employee's performance with reasonable rewards (Mackerty on The Journals). Thus, disharmony relations between employees and this organization will sooner or later affect the career management process of employees. For example, the employee career planning process will stall because employees may not be invited to participate in career planning.
The career development process will also be hampered because organizations may not care about employee careers.
b. Employee Personnel
Sometimes, employee career management is disrupted because there are employees who have distorted personalities (too emotional, apathetic, too ambitious, cheating, too ignorant, etc.).
Apathetic employees, for example, will find it difficult to develop their careers because they themselves do not care about their own careers. Similarly, employees who tend to be too ambitious and cheating. This employee may force his will to achieve career goals contained in career management. This situation becomes worse and cannot be controlled if the employee feels strong for some reason (has connections with the boss, has backing from certain people, and so on).
Making the company a learning organization.
Information must be responded with knowledge and common sense. Today, there is so much information that anyone can produce information and disseminate it through sites on the internet. So, the world of the internet allows everyone to continually learn for themselves from the information that is spread. But, keep in mind, all the information is not necessarily true or right, and not necessarily good for the company, or for the good of improving your career. Do not be too easy to trust all the information you get from social media, always strengthen your quality with knowledge and common sense so that you can get the right information for career advancement.
Building and improving expertise is not an instant job, it takes a process and time to make an expert and reliable employee at work. This is an important task that requires leadership, integrity, time and a long process. Making employees skilled and superior is committed to developing and improving the quality and competence of employees for life.
So, companies must have policies and programs that are consistent to build employee expertise in all sectors in the workplace.
Expertise must be displayed through a great work ethic. Expertise must be able to increase the company's credibility to provide quality services to stakeholders. Expertise must be able to increase confidence in a humble attitude. Expertise must be able to encourage the development and improvement of performance. Employee expertise must be able to grow excellence in every action.
Effective management results from the best skills, competencies and quality of work of employees and leaders.
That is, leaders and employees must have discipline and integrity to learn and maintain a humble attitude. If arrogance arises and the wisdom to be humble disappears, then negative energy will damage all the skills possessed. High attitude never makes a person learn to grow, but only makes someone like to show off his little ability.
All divisions in the organizational structure are responsible for moving in one direction, namely in the same vision. Although the functions of each division are different, they are not created to be different.
All divisions were created to unite through collaboration in order to produce the best performance. In essence, there should not be a barrier to collaboration at work. Each division must have an awareness to adapt to the workings of each different function. The difference between each division is actually to strengthen security and minimize organizational risk, not to highlight the sectoral ego or function ego.
A fact that all divisions are formed to be the execution force in achieving the best performance. This is a reality that must work within the organization, not each division accentuates the ego and weakens the process of achieving performance. Productivity and performance are two things that must be owned and fought together by each division. The awareness of division leaders to unite in a solid and compact collaboration, is a responsibility that must be carried out with integrity.