Understanding Employee Performance

Understanding Employee Performance
Understanding Employee Performance: Basically, companies certainly need employees as workers who improve quality products and services. Because employees are considered an important part of company assets in contributing to the company to obtain good performance and be able to compete. According to Wibowo (The Problematic Data Associated with Employee Output Journals) performance is the result of work that has a strong relationship with the strategic objectives of the organization, customer satisfaction, and contribute to the economy.
According to Khaerul Umam (2010: 189) defines performance is the work achieved by individuals in accordance with the role or task in a certain period, which is associated with a certain value or standard size of the organization where the individual works. Hariandja in Margono Setiawan (2008) what is meant by performance is the result of work produced by employees or actual behavior that is displayed in accordance with their role in the organization.
Mangkunegara in Wawan Prahiawan (2008) argues that performance is the work of quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. According to Robert L. Malthis and John H. Jackson (2006: 113) performance is what employees do or don't do. Meanwhile, according to Rivai in Eko Wahyu Widayat (2010) states that performance is a contribution that can be given by a part, in achieving company goals. Therefore these contributions need to be measured how much influence From the theories above it can be concluded that performance is the process of achieving organizational goals and the results of human resource efforts themselves in an organization.
Measurement of Employee Performance According to Robertson (2002: 115) states that performance measurement is a process of evaluating work progress towards achieving goals and targets that have been determined, including information on the efficiency of the use of resources in producing goods and services, quality, comparison of performance results with targets and effectiveness of actions in achieving destination.
Purpose of Measuring Employee Performance The main purpose of performance measurement is to motivate employees in achieving organizational goals and in complying with predetermined standards of behavior, so that results and actions are desired (Mulyadi, 2002: 420). Performance measurement can be used to suppress inappropriate behavior and to stimulate and enforce the behavior that is desirable, through timely feedback of performance results and rewards, both intrinsic and extrinsic.
The benefits of performance measurement (Mulyadi, 2002: 416) for management are to: Manage the organization's operations effectively and efficiently through maximum personnel motivation. Helping with decisions relating to employees, such as promotions, transfers and terminations. Identify employee training and development needs and to provide criteria for selection and evaluation of employee training programs. Provide feedback for employees about how their superiors assess them. Provides a basis for the distribution of awards.
Leadership and employees must be united to build expertise in the workplace. Together expand skills, insight, knowledge, expertise, and integrity. Together promoting positive energy as a foundation for developing a trusted company image, increasing credibility, being professional in every situation, and making employees and leadership have the confidence to overcome a crisis or an unfavorable situation.